This distinctive floor-standing vanity is a testament to confident and bold design, seamlessly merging classic and contemporary accents. The white basin and countertop harmonize with the gloss white cabinet, providing an undertone that exudes luxury at first sight. The inclusion of high-tech craftsmanship and a humanized design is integral to its overall appeal.
Key Features:
- High Moisture Resistance
- Exceptional Durability
- Stain Resistance
- UV Stability
Cabinet Details:
- Size: W 590mm x D 450mm x H 830mm
- Design: 2 Doors with Soft Close Mechanism
- Material: Plywood
- Color: Gloss White/Grey
- Stainless Black Frame Leg with Shelf
Top Details:
- Size: W 600mm x D 465mm x H 20mm
- Material: Ceramic
- Taphole: 1
- Waste: 32mm (Not Included)
- Overflow: Yes
*Please allow a tolerance of 5-10mm for all dimensions.
Note: Basin mixer and plug waste are not included in the package.
Package Contents: 1 x Vanity
Attention: Please be advised that there is no insurance coverage during shipping. While we ensure the item is well-packed and brand new, buyers assume the risk. It is recommended to thoroughly inspect each item delivered by the courier and freight company before signing the consignment note. We disclaim responsibility for any damages or missing items reported after your signature. Thank you for your understanding.
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